Saturday, August 11, 2007

Skin Care Treatment With the Correct pH Balance Helps Dry Skin

The pH (power of hydrogen) factor is a term most of us have heard but which few understand the significance of as it relates to skin care. Calculated on a scale of one to 14, pH refers to the levels of acid or alkaline in a substance. Below seven is acidic, above is alkaline, and seven - the approximate optimum level for the body - is neutral. However, skin has a different pH and to avoid and treat dry skin, it is important to choose natural skin care treatment products that have the proper pH balance. The pH of normal skin ranges from 4 to 6.5, which is slightly acidic. This acidic environment is referred to as the skin's 'acid mantle'. It contains a number of different acids including lactic acid, amino acids an View the rest of this article

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