Monday, August 13, 2007

Dry Skin Care for Colds Can Help You Look and Feel Better Faster

Colds and flu are hard to resist during the winter months, and they take a toll on your skin. Fevers, chills and constant nose blowing dehydrate the body and cause dry skin that can become red and cracked. To combat the effects of cold and flu, you need a two-pronged approach. First, do everything you can to get rid of the cold or flu as soon as possible and second, protect your skin from the effects of dehydration with a good dry skin care treatment such as a shielding lotion. The best thing you can do to shorten a cold or the flu is to let it run its course. The symptoms - fever, mucous and coughing - are actually part of your body's natural defense system. Taking drugs to alleviate these symptoms interfere View the rest of this article

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