Wednesday, December 19, 2007

How can we prevent smelly feet?

Smelly feet can cannot only be an embarrassment but can seriously damage the self esteem. There are many people, especially guys, who have to deal with this problem every day, and also are the victims of numerous medicines that didn?t help. To help them I wrote this article hopping to at least make them understand what is causing this problem and how to prevent it. So here it is.
Smelly feet, also known as ?bromohydrosis?, are the result of the interaction between perspiration and the bacteria that lurk in you shoes and socks. The foot and hands contain the most sweat glands than any other part of the body ( about 3000 glands per square inch). Inside the shoe the temperature reaches sometimes 102 F. So this temperature combined with the moisture generated by the View the rest of this article

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