Monday, July 23, 2007

Your Healthy Eating Cubicle Kit

I remember those lovely corporate days well, when I couldn't find the time to fit in three meals, and I often sat in front of the computer munching away on my lunch or dinner. Or worse yet, when I didn't have time for a regular dinner and ended up going back and forth to the office kitchen to eat the leftover sandwiches from the afternoon lunch meetings. Has this happened to you? Are there work scenarios that prevent you from eating the way you would like? Do you have trouble figuring out healthy snacks during work hours? Or perhaps you just get so busy sometimes that you just can't sneak out to get lunch or dinner? Have you ever been stuck in a meeting through the lunch hour and wished you had a snack to tide you over? If you can resonate with any of the above situa View the rest of this article

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