Sunday, January 6, 2008

Preventative Measures For Credit Card Fraud?

If you've ever been the victim of credit card fraud, then you

know just how traumatic it can be. What's more, if not detected

early enough, it could leave bad marks on your credit report

that could haunt you for years. The most commonly thought of

credit card fraud is when your wallet or purse is stolen, and

the thief uses your credit cards to make unauthorized


But, with the rate on online buying growing at an amazing rate,

another form of credit card fraud-known as misappropriation-is

spreading like wildfire. All that a thief needs to create havoc

on your credit life is your credit card number-not your actual


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Saturday, January 5, 2008

KwaZulu-Natal- Shaka's Heaven on Earth

The remarkable diversity of attractions of the KwaZulu-Natal region is unsurpassed in South Africa. It encompasses the splendid Drakensburg Mountains, sublime subtropical beaches, top rated nature and game reserves, historic battlefields, rolling green hills of the Natal Midlands and the city of Durban. The range of activities possible is a challenge even for those with the most eclectic of tastes: swimming, fishing, boating, scuba diving, hiking, abseiling, game viewing, cultural and historical touring, whale and bird watching and golfing.

Warmer and more authentic South Africa than the Cape Region, KwaZulu-Natal is the favourite holiday destination for locals. The region lies between the Drakensberg Mountains and Swaziland to the west; the Ind View the rest of this article

Is Google Gunning For Directories?

Why is it that webmasters are so quick to blame Google if their website falls down the search rankings, or out of the rankings altogether? Can it never be their own fault?
I read an amusing forum post headed “What’s up with Google?”. The writer had a website just 2 months old, which had only had 2 visits from Googlebot, a Google robot. The poster was a bit grieved, and was blaming Google.
It seems they had extrapolated their own situation into one they had witnessed with other webmasters on another forum. They were also upset, this time by Google’s latest update, as their websites had been badly hit. Of course, the drop way down the rankings had seriously affected their income; what right had Google to do that to them, they were demanding to know?
So grie View the rest of this article

Copper And Your Health

Copper is a trace element mineral that serves a wide variety of purposes within the body, both on its own and as a cofactor, meaning it is an essential part of chemical processes that involve other vitamins, minerals, other nutrients or other substances. Although the body requires a comparatively tiny amount of copper per day, even that little bit is essential to optimum health and performance.
Copper came to be recognized as in the 1870’s as a basic part of our blood. This mineral is called an elemental because it is a metal. In terms of concentration, it is the third greatest metal present in our bodies. Copper is present throughout the body, and serves many purposes that influence physical and mental health and function. In addition to the influence it has ind View the rest of this article

Friday, January 4, 2008

Financing A College Education

So your teenager has decided to go to college. You've hoped for this day. You sweated through 12 years of school with your child, and have been an active participant in his/her education. You've been saving for this day for years, but with all the other "incidentals" of daily life, car expenses, medical bills, that new roof, the money you had hoped you'd have is not there. What you have is not quite enough for that four year private college he/she is interested in attending, and you don't want a home equity loan. What to do?
Today there are many federal and private loans available to help parents and students pay for college expenses. There are also billions of dollars in scholarship aid and grants available, you just need to know where to look. Some of these mon View the rest of this article

Building A Garden From Nothing At All

Gardening doesn’t have to be an expensive hobby. Some of the most beautiful gardens I’ve ever grown cost me nothing but sweat and sore muscles – and paid off with the kind of satisfaction you’ll never get from a paid-for landscape. Throughout the spring and summer, I have the pleasure of tending the miniature rose bush I got for Mother’s Day six years ago, the Virginia bluebells that grew in my mother’s garden, the border of hostas that my son dug up from behind a neighboring store (with the store owner’s permission, of course!) It is a found garden – a friendship garden – a special garden that was never planned, and is all the more beautiful because of it.
Building a Found Garden takes a bit of foresight – but just a bit. To start, you’ll need three things:
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Diverticulitis And Diet

What Is Diverticulitis?

Diverticulitis is another one of those conditions that has followed from industrialisation, and a fundamental change in eating habits to a diet of processed food. The condition emerged after milling became commonplace in Western countries, starting in the US. Milling grains strips out valuable fibre, and since the early 20th century a shortage of fibre in diets has been commonplace amongst the American, and other Western, population.
Diverticulitis actually follows on from a condition called diverticulosis, which tends to come with age, particularly over 60. Diverticulosis is quite common, and past the age of 60 about half the population have this condition. With diverticulosis people experience the formation of small pouches in th View the rest of this article

Thursday, January 3, 2008

What You Should Never Do When You Buy A Car

Sooner or later most people buy a new car. It doesn't matter if it's your third new car or your first, it almost always happens sometime.
There is an art to buying a new car and if you know it, you're better prepared when that day arrives.
Every car buyer knows that there are tricks to getting a car at a reasonable price. Dealerships and private sellers rarely mark the car at it's actual worth.
Instead, they mark the price up a little so that they make a good profit for themselves. Another reason is that this lets them give their salespeople better commissions, and this makes them work harder to sell the car to you.
Whatever the reason, almost all dealerships can be talked down on their initial prices, if you know how to haggle properly. When you buy View the rest of this article

Successful Writers Learn To Master Their Emotions

Summary: Learning to survive in the marketplace requires some fancy emotional footwork. Read these tips for raising your writer's emotional I.Q.

Successful Writers Learn To Master Their Emotions

By Bonnie Boots

Summary: Learning to survive in the marketplace can require some fancy emotional footwork. These tips will help you raise your writer's emotional I.Q.

People that love to write often feel making it into a print publication is the benchmark of a “real” writer. So they read all the books on writing and dutifully send off queries, filled with hope and fear that one will be accepted; hope they’ll get the chance to be a real writer, fear they won’t live View the rest of this article

Online Mortgage Loan Companies Are Convenient

There are many reasons to use the internet to take care of your mortgage loan needs. Online mortgage companies can give you quick answers to your mortgage application and can often times give you an answer of whether or not you have been pre-approved within 24-48 hours after you submit your mortgage application.
Online mortgage companies usually do not pull your credit on the initial application which makes it possible to apply to multiple lenders and get an idea of what they can do for you, without dropping your credit score.
There are many online mortgage lenders who will take your application and submit it to hundreds of lenders and then provide you with the 4 best offers. This is a great way to get the lowest rates and terms you can possibly get, without View the rest of this article

Remedies for a Wet Basement

A wet basement can be just a nuisance or even real nightmare. Each year, thousands of homeowners are faced with the unpleasant side effects of seasonal rainfall. Problems they can face range from just dampness to even flooding. Chronic basement leakage is a serious problem that can destroy personal property, furnishings, appliances, and sometimes even cause permanent structural damage to a homes foundation. Excessive moisture is a huge attraction to wood-eating insects, wood rot and decay.

Despite the pervasiveness of the problem, few homeowners are aware of the causes of water leakage.

Common Causes

One common cause of basement leakage is improper surface drainage, such as a yard sloped toward the home. In many ca View the rest of this article

When To Start Teaching Your Baby (2)

With you or without you, your baby will be learning from the moment she is born and starts to take in her new surroundings. Every sight and sound will be a part of her learning process; she will observe everything you do and listen to every word you say. And as the months pass, she will eventually start to copy. Fully conscious teaching, with books and other articles of learning, will come much later on; but of course, it is entirely up to you.
With our baby daughter, Saffron, I started reading her a bed time story at about six months old. She could not understand fully, but it gave her exposure to books, and the comfort of a bed time routine, with my voice and sounds, and the pictures in the book. It did not matter that every evening it was Goldilocks and the Th View the rest of this article

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Postcards Work

What's the fastest, simplest and cheapest way to promote just about any business?
The answer is postcards sent by direct mail. You can get your message to a targeted group of prospects or to your existing customers for a cost of about 25 to 30 cents each including postage. You can actually send someone a postcard every 30 days for only $3 a year. Postcards Work.
You can generate leads, create sales, ask prospects to give you a try or convince existing customers to buy more or buy more often. Postcards Work.
What are the 2 biggest secrets of marketing with postcards?
1. Regular, repeated mailings are the way to create big predictable results. When you mail every 30 days for a year you will cause a dramatic growth in your business. People respond to rep View the rest of this article

Malware And Antivirus Software

Warning: most antivirus programs will not protect you against all forms of malignant software (often called "malware") on their own. Find out how to protect yourself.
Sure, your antivirus software will protect you against viruses. It will probably even do a good job against worms. But what Trojans, exploits, backdoors, spyware and the dozen other nasty software parasites?
Malware and Antivirus Software: a History
The war on computer viruses has led to an arms race between the designers of antivirus software and the designers of viruses (you didn't think viruses just created themselves did you?). Some years ago, virus designers responded to ever more successful antivirus software by creating the descendents of viruses, worms, which did not infect files but View the rest of this article

A Simple Car Cleaning Guide

“It looks like new! I can’t believe that car’s seven years old!” Would you like to hear that from your friends? I’m sure all of us do, but keeping our car looking like the latest models is tough, even with today’s longer-lasting finishes.
However, if we adopt simple techniques such as cleaning out cars regularly and attending minor repairs immediately, the results can be remarkable.
Some car owners think rainwater is the only enemy to their car, but bird droppings, highway bugs, atmospheric pollution and road salt can also ruin the beauty of your car.
Many owners think fighting these ever-diligent adversaries is a daunting task, so they don’t usually bother, but truthfully, it’s easier than they think.
Step 1: Washing
First, spray water gently to View the rest of this article

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Is Your Professional Office Anything But?

It’s the nightmare that everyone who has ever been to a medical, dental or veterinary office fears more then having a tooth pulled or watching a doctor snap on some plastic gloves. It’s the unprofessional, professional office. Those of us who have had the misfortune to be caught in that seemingly unending circle of waiting and filling out forms can attest to the sheer torture of such an experience. However, it doesn’t have to be that way and there are some simple steps that every professional office can take to lesson the pain.
In an effort to limit the liability factor faced by every Medical Doctor or Dentist, referrals have become a way of life for them and endless nightmare for most patients. The situation for patients is exasperated by the need to fill out a View the rest of this article